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Offers a sanitary landfill for various material disposal and provides guidance on recycling and household, and hazardous waste disposal.
The Solid Waste and Recycling Management coordinates and maintains the waste and recycling program for the county on Highway 9 in Waukon. This office also monitors rural dumpsites which accept trash, recyclables, and larger items such as furniture but are not intended for appliances or constructions debris. Items that can be recycled include metal, old batteries, used motor oil, appliances, cardboard, plastic, and glass.


Telephone Book Recycling
Oil Recycling
Refuse Disposal Facilities
Residential Recycling Programs

Landfill Division has responsibilities for both active and closed landfills; Douglas County contracts with Waste Management for the general operation and maintenance of the active Pheasant Point solid waste landfill site at Highway 36 and 216th Street.

Landscape maintenance and snow removal for various county offices.

Noxious and nuisance weed monitoring and control as required. Provides field inspection services based on the complaints received and to areas that have a known history of noxious weed problems. Random inspections are also conducted throughout the County's area of responsibility.

Permits and Inspections Division issues building permits and performs all inspections to assure appropriate building codes and zoning regulations are within compliance for the rural Douglas County area and the City of Bennington.

Planning and zoning.

Stormwater permit administration.


Building and Safety
Weed Abatement/Brush Control
Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Pollution Control
Sanitary Landfills