Annual well permit required for all domestic wells inside the city limits. As a part of the permit process, the well is inspected to assure compliance with applicable state and local construction standards. In addition, the well is tested for presence of coliform bacterial and nitrate contamination. Technical assistance is provided to help correct well deficiencies and water contamination issues.
Prior to drilling a new well either inside the city or 3-mile limit, a well construction permit must first be obtained. A permit must also be obtained for any significant well repairs completed inside the city or 3-mile limit.
Property Transfer Program requires an inspection of domestic on-site wastewater systems and wells prior to the sale of the residence. Inspections are conducted by Property Transfer Inspectors who then file a written report of their findings with LLCHD. LLCHD reviews the report and issues a determination letter.
On-site wastewater treatment system permits and inspections ensures that wastewater systems are constructed in accordance with state and local codes. The department also assures that failed on-site wastewater systems are brought into compliance and the nuisance conditions are abated, and sewage is disposed of in a manner which protects public health and the environment.
Requires permits and inspections of all swimming pools and spas and hot tubs to assure a safe water recreational experience free from diseases, risk of accidents and drowning.
Provides groundwater and public health education focused on the prevention of groundwater contamination.
Annual well permit required for all domestic wells inside the city limits. As a part of the permit process, the well is inspected to assure compliance with applicable state and local construction standards. In addition, the well is tested for presence of coliform bacterial and nitrate contamination. Technical assistance is provided to help correct well deficiencies and water contamination issues.
Prior to drilling a new well either inside the city or 3-mile limit, a well construction permit must first be obtained. A permit must also be obtained for any significant well repairs completed inside the city or 3-mile limit.
Property Transfer Program requires an inspection of domestic on-site wastewater systems and wells prior to the sale of the residence. Inspections are conducted by Property Transfer Inspectors who then file a written report of their findings with LLCHD. LLCHD reviews the report and issues a determination letter.
On-site wastewater treatment system permits and inspections ensures that wastewater systems are constructed in accordance with state and local codes. The department also assures that failed on-site wastewater systems are brought into compliance and the nuisance conditions are abated, and sewage is disposed of in a manner which protects public health and the environment.
Requires permits and inspections of all swimming pools and spas and hot tubs to assure a safe water recreational experience free from diseases, risk of accidents and drowning.
Provides groundwater and public health education focused on the prevention of groundwater contamination.
Provides testing of private well water, assistance with and permitting of private sewage disposal systems, health hazards related to the environment, general environmental issues such as radon, rat harborages, dangerous buildings, air quality, unhealthy living conditions, radon test kits, and waste tire collection information.
Provides testing of private well water, assistance with and permitting of private sewage disposal systems, health hazards related to the environment, general environmental issues such as radon, rat harborages, dangerous buildings, air quality, unhealthy living conditions, radon test kits, and waste tire collection information.
Provides testing for residential wells and water quality, radon and lead, home/facility and food inspections, and a spay/neuter program for pets, as well as health education. Also manages an injury surveillance and prevention program including instruction on Tai Chi and Yoga.
Visit the website to download the Pet Information Form or Application To Operate a Temporary Food Establishment, or to view the Requirements for Food Establishment Operations.
Provides testing for residential wells and water quality, radon and lead, home/facility and food inspections, and a spay/neuter program for pets, as well as health education. Also manages an injury surveillance and prevention program including instruction on Tai Chi and Yoga.
Visit the website to download the Pet Information Form or Application To Operate a Temporary Food Establishment, or to view the Requirements for Food Establishment Operations.