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Communicable disease surveillance, investigation and containment of contagious illnesses.

Emergency preparedness, disaster relief and emergency planning.

Wellness services assists area businesses and/or individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles through education and/or wellness activities.

Weight loss programs and health coaching services to improve healthy lifestyles.

Education on the dangers of radon gas and radon testing kits.

Educates public about dangers of West Nile virus.

Minority health offers education and activities to reach minority individuals in the service area on various health-related topics.

CPR and first aid training throughout service area.

Education and colon cancer screening kits to the community to encourage prevention and early detection of colon cancer.

Tai Chi and Bingocize fall prevention classes held in communities to help decrease falls in the community.

School nursing.

Substance abuse prevention through the Healthy Communities Initiative. Coalition works together to provide education and activities to reduce drug and alcohol use among youth.

Dental screenings and education offered to preschool and grade school children. Sealants and flouride treatments also available.

Childhood and adult vaccines for all people are provided at each of Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department's three locations in Norfolk, Tekamah and Wisner. Includes vaccines for those who are privately insured, Medicare, Medicaid and those who are uninsured.


Nutrition Education
General Immunization
General First Aid Instruction
Dental Screening
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Communicable Disease Control
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Radon Testing
Disease/Disability Information
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Weight Management
Public Health Nursing
Workplace Wellness Programs
CPR Instruction
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Fall Prevention Programs
Student Health Programs
Emergency operations center for the County, conducts large damage assessments and responsible for requesting federal assistance after a disaster.


Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
County Government Departments/Offices
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Response Services

Preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation in times of disaster.

Information and education on emergency disaster preparedness.

Assists in managing Homeland Security Programs for Lt. Governor.


Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
County Offices of Emergency Services

Emergency operations center for the County, which handles emergency response incidents, including accidents, fires, floods, storms and other disasters. Also responsible for requesting federal assistance after a disaster.


County Government Departments/Offices
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Disaster Response Services
County Offices of Emergency Services

Emergency operations center for the County, which handles emergency response incidents, including accidents, fires, floods, storms and other disasters. Also responsible for requesting federal assistance after a disaster.


County Government Departments/Offices
County Offices of Emergency Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Disaster Response Services
Disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation information for county political subdivisions, businesses, schools, and care facilities.

Does not provide services direct to residents, but can answer questions and assist in finding available services.


County Offices of Emergency Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning

Emergency operations center for the County, which handles emergency response incidents, including accidents, fires, floods, storms and other disasters. Also responsible for requesting federal assistance after a disaster.


Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Disaster Response Services
County Government Departments/Offices
County Offices of Emergency Services

Emergency operations center for the County, which handles emergency response incidents, including accidents, fires, floods, storms and other disasters. Also responsible for requesting federal assistance after a disaster.


County Offices of Emergency Services
County Government Departments/Offices
Disaster Response Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning

Emergency operations center for the County, which handles emergency response incidents, including accidents, fires, floods, storms and other disasters. Also responsible for requesting federal assistance after a disaster.


Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
County Offices of Emergency Services
County Government Departments/Offices
Disaster Response Services
Disaster planning and recovery, disaster mitigation, and volunteer opportunities in time of disaster response.


Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
County Offices of Emergency Services
NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program offers flood insurance to homeowners, renters, and business owners. Visit www.floodsmart.gov for more information on available insurance coverage.


National Flood Insurance Program
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning

Services include:

-- Child health services

-- Maternal health services

-- Home health care and homemaker services

-- Hospice care

-- Cancer screening for women

-- Health education, community education, and health planning

-- Immunization clinics for children and adults

-- Family planning services

-- Blood pressure checks

-- Disaster planning and preparedness

-- Tobacco cessation classes

-- Parent education classes

-- Home visits for children ages 0-5

-- Life Assist Emergency Response Alert

-- Public health nursing visits


General Health Education Programs
Community Clinics
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Emergency Alert
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Home Nursing
Homemaker Assistance
Home Based Parenting Education
Public Health Nursing
Birth Control
Hospice Care
General Immunization
Blood Pressure Screening
Disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.

Information and education on emergency disaster preparedness.

Manages Homeland Security Programs for Lt. Governor.


County Offices of Emergency Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning

Emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation in times of disaster.

Information and education on emergency disaster preparedness.

Assists in managing Homeland Security Programs for Lt. Governor.

Disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. Information and education on emergency disaster preparedness


County Offices of Emergency Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Emergency management services. Local coordinator for Homeland Security. Includes public education, weather spotting, NOAA weather warning point, public safety services at major events. Disaster services. Conducts tabletop, functional, and full scale exercises. Emergency communications bus.


Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
County Offices of Emergency Services
Provides assistance to individuals and families affected by a natural disaster. Disaster services include sheltering, feeding, physical and mental health services. Physical and mental health services are also provided to those seeking refuge from a fire, hurricane or flood - or in the wake of a tornado, earthquake, or hazardous materials incident.

CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS MANAGEMENT (CISM) is listed separately under the Iowa CISM Network Agency.


Disaster Donations Coordination
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Disaster Response Services

Emergency operations center for the County, which handles emergency response incidents, including accidents, fires, floods, storms and other disasters. Also responsible for requesting federal assistance after a disaster.


County Government Departments/Offices
Disaster Response Services
County Offices of Emergency Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Public education on what to do before, during and after a disaster to protect themselves, their families, their homes, and their businesses.


County Offices of Emergency Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning

Emergency operations center for the County, which handles emergency response incidents, including accidents, fires, floods, storms and other disasters. Also responsible for requesting federal assistance after a disaster.


County Offices of Emergency Services
County Government Departments/Offices
Disaster Response Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. Information and education on emergency disaster preparedness.


Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
County Offices of Emergency Services
Responsible for coordinating the county response to disasters.


County Offices of Emergency Services
County Government Departments/Offices
Disaster Response Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. Information and education on emergency disaster preparedness.


Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
County Offices of Emergency Services
Responds to disasters and assists communities in recovery. Coordinates Regional Medical Response System and Citizen Corps Network to ensure efficient post-disaster mitigation.

Prevents epidemics and the spread of contagious diseases. Disease surveillance ensuring necessary precautions are being taken in order to effectively combat illness.

Protection against environmental hazards. Offers free short and long term radon test kits for Panhandle residents.

Prevents injury, illness, and disability.

Promotes and encourages healthy behaviors. Significant emphasis on increasing physical activity, improving nutrition, and decreasing environmental tobacco smoke, along with programming promoting healthy hand hygiene and proper dental hygiene. Technical assistance for worksite wellness programming utilizing an evidence-based process.

Diabetes Prevention Program offers lifestyle change programs that teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.


Radon Testing
Disaster Response Services
Public Health Nursing
Communicable Disease Control
General Immunization
General Health Education Programs
Disease Prevention Programs
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Occupational Health and Safety
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics