Emergency Community Support program provides follow-up, continuity, and coordination services for individuals who have been admitted to emergency or civil protective custody.
Regional Housing Coordination provides rental assistance for adults who are low income and experience a serious mental illness to obtain safe housing at an affordable cost; must have referral from a community support worker or other behavioral health worker.
Regional Consumer Specialist (RCS) serves as an advocate and liaison to consumers of behavioral health services, including consumers of services which are designed to lead toward wellness and recovery from mental illness, substance abuse, or problem gambling; the RCS is available to consumers of all ages, their families and support system, throughout Region 3's geographic area.
Training related to Suicide Prevention, Suicide Postvention, Mental Health First Aid, Psychological First Aid, Trauma-Informed Care, Compassion Fatigue, Coping Through COVID, Calmer Classrooms: Working with Traumatized Youth, Psychological First Aid, Effective Strategies for Children with Developmental Trauma, Resilience for the Responders: Creative Tools for Compassion Fatigue & Secondary Trauma for Disaster Relief Workers, Introduction to Mindfulness Skills, Helping Adults Coping with Grief.
Disaster Behavioral Health Outreach, Counseling and Training for flood impacted counties (Buffalo, Custer, Hall & Howard) and for individuals impacted by COVID 19 for all 22 counties in Region 3.
Emergency Community Support program provides follow-up, continuity, and coordination services for individuals who have been admitted to emergency or civil protective custody.
Regional Housing Coordination provides rental assistance for adults who are low income and experience a serious mental illness to obtain safe housing at an affordable cost; must have referral from a community support worker or other behavioral health worker.
Regional Consumer Specialist (RCS) serves as an advocate and liaison to consumers of behavioral health services, including consumers of services which are designed to lead toward wellness and recovery from mental illness, substance abuse, or problem gambling; the RCS is available to consumers of all ages, their families and support system, throughout Region 3's geographic area.
Training related to Suicide Prevention, Suicide Postvention, Mental Health First Aid, Psychological First Aid, Trauma-Informed Care, Compassion Fatigue, Coping Through COVID, Calmer Classrooms: Working with Traumatized Youth, Psychological First Aid, Effective Strategies for Children with Developmental Trauma, Resilience for the Responders: Creative Tools for Compassion Fatigue & Secondary Trauma for Disaster Relief Workers, Introduction to Mindfulness Skills, Helping Adults Coping with Grief.
Disaster Behavioral Health Outreach, Counseling and Training for flood impacted counties (Buffalo, Custer, Hall & Howard) and for individuals impacted by COVID 19 for all 22 counties in Region 3.
Substance use and addictions services include evaluations, counseling, and intervention. Things that may be addressed in a session could include, but not limited to, the following: cannabis, alcohol, methamphetamine, hallucinogens, prescription drugs, gambling, sex, and impulse buying. These sessions may occur at the agency or school.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) helps individuals start the substance abuse recovery journey. The program is individualized and typically lasts approximately three months. Upon the participant's completion of the intensive treatment phase, they transfer to participation in the aftercare group.
Disaster mental health services.
Offers DUI, MIP, and anger management classes.
Substance use and addictions services include evaluations, counseling, and intervention. Things that may be addressed in a session could include, but not limited to, the following: cannabis, alcohol, methamphetamine, hallucinogens, prescription drugs, gambling, sex, and impulse buying. These sessions may occur at the agency or school.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) helps individuals start the substance abuse recovery journey. The program is individualized and typically lasts approximately three months. Upon the participant's completion of the intensive treatment phase, they transfer to participation in the aftercare group.
Disaster mental health services.
Offers DUI, MIP, and anger management classes.
Post-Storm Terms:
Disaster Case Management - Disaster Related Case Management
Disaster Financial Assistance - Disaster Related Cash Grants
Debris Cleanup Assistance - Disaster Related Debris Removal
Debris Dump Sites - Post Disaster Cleanup Information
Donations of items or money - Disaster Donations Coordination
Disaster Recovery Centers and MARCs - Disaster Recovery Centers
Legal - Post Disaster Legal Counseling
Post-disaster distress/crisis counseling - Post Disaster Mental Health Services
FEMA Disaster Centers - FEMA Disaster Assistance Online/Tele-Registration
Volunteer - Disaster/Emergency Service Volunteer Opportunities
Disaster Case Management - Long Term Recovery
Tri-County Long Term Recovery Group is available to support survivors thru the recovery process. A trained Disaster Case Manager can connect you with legal, construction, or social service resources; guide you through the FEMA and insurance processes; assist in researching resources; and connect you with additional help.
COPE, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and Heartland Hope Mission are providing case management for households impacted by the summer tornado and storms. **Add the client to the Tornado Long Term Recovery ReferralQ if they are calling and are recovering from the tornado** A case manager will call them back.
Electric Service Equipment Repair Program
Douglas, Sarpy, Washington and Burt Counties, NE -
Habitat For Humanity's Emergency Home Repair Program is helping customers needing financial assistance for repairs specific to their customer-owned electric service equipment. Open to customers needing help that received a tag from OPPD with damage repair responsibility.
Customer can apply for the program online at:
or email [email protected] for more information.
Important note: Customers with household income higher than 100% of AMI are not eligible for the program.
Disaster Cash Grants
FEMA assistance grants were available in Nebraska for Douglas and Washington counties, with the application deadline of July 15, 2024. For those who applied by that date, questions can be directed to FEMA www.disasterassistance.govor call (800) 621-3362.
Help with Debris Removal
Douglas and Sarpy County, NE and Pottawattamie County, IA - We no longer have groups assisting with tree debris removal.
If you signed up for assistance with Team Rubicon and have not been assisted, please find other resources to help with this need. (May suggest church in their neighborhood, neighborhood association, friends/family, etc.)
Legal Needs and Assistance
Legal Aid of Nebraska has set up a Disaster Relief Hotline for anyone in Nebraska that has been impacted by severe storms and has a disaster related legal issue they need help with. Call (844) 268-5627 for further assistance.
Disaster Mental Health
The Disaster Distress Helpline is a national hotline for year-round disaster crisis counseling. Available 24/7, toll-free, to those who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-cause
Post-Storm Terms:
Disaster Case Management - Disaster Related Case Management
Disaster Financial Assistance - Disaster Related Cash Grants
Debris Cleanup Assistance - Disaster Related Debris Removal
Debris Dump Sites - Post Disaster Cleanup Information
Donations of items or money - Disaster Donations Coordination
Disaster Recovery Centers and MARCs - Disaster Recovery Centers
Legal - Post Disaster Legal Counseling
Post-disaster distress/crisis counseling - Post Disaster Mental Health Services
FEMA Disaster Centers - FEMA Disaster Assistance Online/Tele-Registration
Volunteer - Disaster/Emergency Service Volunteer Opportunities
Disaster Case Management - Long Term Recovery
Tri-County Long Term Recovery Group is available to support survivors thru the recovery process. A trained Disaster Case Manager can connect you with legal, construction, or social service resources; guide you through the FEMA and insurance processes; assist in researching resources; and connect you with additional help.
COPE, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and Heartland Hope Mission are providing case management for households impacted by the summer tornado and storms. **Add the client to the Tornado Long Term Recovery ReferralQ if they are calling and are recovering from the tornado** A case manager will call them back.
Electric Service Equipment Repair Program
Douglas, Sarpy, Washington and Burt Counties, NE -
Habitat For Humanity's Emergency Home Repair Program is helping customers needing financial assistance for repairs specific to their customer-owned electric service equipment. Open to customers needing help that received a tag from OPPD with damage repair responsibility.
Customer can apply for the program online at:
or email [email protected] for more information.
Important note: Customers with household income higher than 100% of AMI are not eligible for the program.
Disaster Cash Grants
FEMA assistance grants were available in Nebraska for Douglas and Washington counties, with the application deadline of July 15, 2024. For those who applied by that date, questions can be directed to FEMA www.disasterassistance.govor call (800) 621-3362.
Help with Debris Removal
Douglas and Sarpy County, NE and Pottawattamie County, IA - We no longer have groups assisting with tree debris removal.
If you signed up for assistance with Team Rubicon and have not been assisted, please find other resources to help with this need. (May suggest church in their neighborhood, neighborhood association, friends/family, etc.)
Legal Needs and Assistance
Legal Aid of Nebraska has set up a Disaster Relief Hotline for anyone in Nebraska that has been impacted by severe storms and has a disaster related legal issue they need help with. Call (844) 268-5627 for further assistance.
Disaster Mental Health
The Disaster Distress Helpline is a national hotline for year-round disaster crisis counseling. Available 24/7, toll-free, to those who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-cause
The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is the first national hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. The toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available Mon-Sun 24 hours to all residents in the U.S. and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.
Call or text (800) 985-5990.
Espaol: Llama o enva un mensaje de texto (800) 985-5990 presiona "2."
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing ASL Callers: To connect directly to an agent in American Sign Language, click the "ASL Now" at or call (800) 985-5990 from your videophone.
The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is the first national hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. The toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available Mon-Sun 24 hours to all residents in the U.S. and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.
Call or text (800) 985-5990.
Espaol: Llama o enva un mensaje de texto (800) 985-5990 presiona "2."
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing ASL Callers: To connect directly to an agent in American Sign Language, click the "ASL Now" at or call (800) 985-5990 from your videophone.
Post-Storm Terms:
Disaster Case Management - Disaster Related Case Management
Disaster Financial Assistance - Disaster Related Cash Grants
Debris Cleanup Assistance - Disaster Related Debris Removal
Donations of items or money - Disaster Donations Coordination
Post-disaster distress/crisis counseling - Post Disaster Mental Health Services
Disaster Recovery Centers and MARCs - Disaster Recovery Centers
Legal - Post Disaster Legal Counseling
IOWA FEMA Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program
Provides temporary housing, which may include recreational vehicles and travel trailers, for up to six months at no cost for Iowans whose homes were majorly damaged, destroyed, or deemed not habitable in counties currently under a federal disaster declaration.
Eligible counties are Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Clarke, Clay, Crawford, Emmet, Harrison, Jasper, Lyon, Montgomery, Obrien, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Scott, Shelby, Sioux, Story, and Union. The recovery process and damage assessments are still ongoing and additional counties may become eligible.
Iowans whose primary residence is in a qualifying county must first apply for FEMA disaster assistance to be eligible for the program. Homeowners must also have filed a claim with their insurance company and have received final approval or denial of their claim. Applicable FEMA and insurance documentation is requested as part of the application process, including, but not limited to their FEMA Individual Assistance case number.
To Apply:
Visit to complete an application
Call Center available at (608) 480-8808 or (833) 307-6030, Mon-Sun 7 am-8 pm.
FEMA Rental Assistance Available in Iowa
Homeowners and renters may be eligible for FEMA Rental Assistance if they cannot live in their homes because of recent flooding and storms in Iowa.
Eligible counties are Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Harrison, Humboldt, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O'Brien, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Story, Union or Woodbury.
Money can be used to rent a place to live, such as a house, apartment, hotel room, RV or other options while the damaged home is repaired, or you look for a new place to live.
To Apply:
Visit to complete an application
Call Center available at (608) 480-8808 or (833) 307-6030, Mon-Sun 7 am-8 pm.
Disaster Recovery 5-Year Forgivable Loans for FEMA Declared Counties
Open to those who live in an area where FEMA has been activated - 5-year forgivable loans are available for those who still have unmet housing recovery needs that fall beyond the scope of insurance of FEMA assistance. Maximum aware is $50,000 for repair/rehab of the disaster-affected home.
Apply for a loan by visiting
Governor Declared Counties in IOWA:
All counties declared a disaster by the Governor (see list below) are eligible for the Individual Disaster Assistance Grant and Disaster Case Management. Anyone residing in the declared counties can reach out to their local Community Action Agency to apply for the Disaster Grant and Disaster Case Management.
- Des Moines County is now eligible for the Individual Disaster Assistance Grant and Disaster Case Management through the local community action agency in res
Post-Storm Terms:
Disaster Case Management - Disaster Related Case Management
Disaster Financial Assistance - Disaster Related Cash Grants
Debris Cleanup Assistance - Disaster Related Debris Removal
Donations of items or money - Disaster Donations Coordination
Post-disaster distress/crisis counseling - Post Disaster Mental Health Services
Disaster Recovery Centers and MARCs - Disaster Recovery Centers
Legal - Post Disaster Legal Counseling
IOWA FEMA Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Program
Provides temporary housing, which may include recreational vehicles and travel trailers, for up to six months at no cost for Iowans whose homes were majorly damaged, destroyed, or deemed not habitable in counties currently under a federal disaster declaration.
Eligible counties are Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Clarke, Clay, Crawford, Emmet, Harrison, Jasper, Lyon, Montgomery, Obrien, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Scott, Shelby, Sioux, Story, and Union. The recovery process and damage assessments are still ongoing and additional counties may become eligible.
Iowans whose primary residence is in a qualifying county must first apply for FEMA disaster assistance to be eligible for the program. Homeowners must also have filed a claim with their insurance company and have received final approval or denial of their claim. Applicable FEMA and insurance documentation is requested as part of the application process, including, but not limited to their FEMA Individual Assistance case number.
To Apply:
Visit to complete an application
Call Center available at (608) 480-8808 or (833) 307-6030, Mon-Sun 7 am-8 pm.
FEMA Rental Assistance Available in Iowa
Homeowners and renters may be eligible for FEMA Rental Assistance if they cannot live in their homes because of recent flooding and storms in Iowa.
Eligible counties are Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Harrison, Humboldt, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O'Brien, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Story, Union or Woodbury.
Money can be used to rent a place to live, such as a house, apartment, hotel room, RV or other options while the damaged home is repaired, or you look for a new place to live.
To Apply:
Visit to complete an application
Call Center available at (608) 480-8808 or (833) 307-6030, Mon-Sun 7 am-8 pm.
Disaster Recovery 5-Year Forgivable Loans for FEMA Declared Counties
Open to those who live in an area where FEMA has been activated - 5-year forgivable loans are available for those who still have unmet housing recovery needs that fall beyond the scope of insurance of FEMA assistance. Maximum aware is $50,000 for repair/rehab of the disaster-affected home.
Apply for a loan by visiting
Governor Declared Counties in IOWA:
All counties declared a disaster by the Governor (see list below) are eligible for the Individual Disaster Assistance Grant and Disaster Case Management. Anyone residing in the declared counties can reach out to their local Community Action Agency to apply for the Disaster Grant and Disaster Case Management.
- Des Moines County is now eligible for the Individual Disaster Assistance Grant and Disaster Case Management through the local community action agency in res
Substance use and addictions services include evaluations, counseling, and intervention. Things that may be addressed in a session could include, but not limited to, the following: cannabis, alcohol, methamphetamine, hallucinogens, prescription drugs, gambling, sex, and impulse buying. These sessions may occur at the agency or school.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) helps individuals start the substance abuse recovery journey. The program is individualized and typically lasts approximately three months. Upon the participant's completion of the intensive treatment phase, they transfer to participation in the aftercare group.
Disaster mental health services.
Offers DUI, MIP, and anger management classes.
Substance use and addictions services include evaluations, counseling, and intervention. Things that may be addressed in a session could include, but not limited to, the following: cannabis, alcohol, methamphetamine, hallucinogens, prescription drugs, gambling, sex, and impulse buying. These sessions may occur at the agency or school.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) helps individuals start the substance abuse recovery journey. The program is individualized and typically lasts approximately three months. Upon the participant's completion of the intensive treatment phase, they transfer to participation in the aftercare group.
Disaster mental health services.
Offers DUI, MIP, and anger management classes.
PROJECT RECOVERY is a mental health program that activates during presidential declared disasters and works to assess the individuals immediate needs by helping them develop solutions to issues or problems that may be presented. This Iowa Department of Human Services program empowers and guides people to resources for ongoing support. The point of entry is through the IOWA CONCERN LINE Service provided are:
TELEPHONE CRISIS COUNSELING & REFERRAL assistance is free statewide.
INDIVIDUAL and GROUP CRISIS COUNSELING to help people access and identify resources that will aid in the recovery process. This includes resources that could aid in the recovery from severe storms and flooding.
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, on-site supportive, educational, face-to-face interventions with individuals and communities (school, church, etc).
REFERRALS: in some cases, survivors may need long-term, more formal mental health services beyond immediate services. Referrals are made to an appropriate agency or licensed mental health professional or to other specific disaster services available through DHS.
PROJECT RECOVERY is a mental health program that activates during presidential declared disasters and works to assess the individuals immediate needs by helping them develop solutions to issues or problems that may be presented. This Iowa Department of Human Services program empowers and guides people to resources for ongoing support. The point of entry is through the IOWA CONCERN LINE Service provided are:
TELEPHONE CRISIS COUNSELING & REFERRAL assistance is free statewide.
INDIVIDUAL and GROUP CRISIS COUNSELING to help people access and identify resources that will aid in the recovery process. This includes resources that could aid in the recovery from severe storms and flooding.
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, on-site supportive, educational, face-to-face interventions with individuals and communities (school, church, etc).
REFERRALS: in some cases, survivors may need long-term, more formal mental health services beyond immediate services. Referrals are made to an appropriate agency or licensed mental health professional or to other specific disaster services available through DHS.
Substance use and addictions services include evaluations, counseling, and intervention. Things that may be addressed in a session could include, but not limited to, the following: cannabis, alcohol, methamphetamine, hallucinogens, prescription drugs, gambling, sex, and impulse buying. These sessions may occur at the agency or school.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) helps individuals start the substance abuse recovery journey. The program is individualized and typically lasts approximately three months. Upon the participant's completion of the intensive treatment phase, they transfer to participation in the aftercare group.
Disaster mental health services.
Offers DUI, MIP, and anger management classes.
Substance use and addictions services include evaluations, counseling, and intervention. Things that may be addressed in a session could include, but not limited to, the following: cannabis, alcohol, methamphetamine, hallucinogens, prescription drugs, gambling, sex, and impulse buying. These sessions may occur at the agency or school.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) helps individuals start the substance abuse recovery journey. The program is individualized and typically lasts approximately three months. Upon the participant's completion of the intensive treatment phase, they transfer to participation in the aftercare group.
Disaster mental health services.
Offers DUI, MIP, and anger management classes.