
1-25 of 40
Provides a free, confidential information and referral hotline for Iowa families. Offers individual and family stress counseling, personal and small business financial problems, legal education, basic needs including food, fuel, shelter, and medical help, and disaster-related information.


Legal Information Services
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Peer Counseling
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance

Provides free representation to children and youth involved in juvenile court in Polk County, Iowa. The Youth Law Center provides a free legal advice hotline for youth and professionals who work with youth throughout the State of Iowa.


Legal Information Services
Legal Representation

Offers to match the caller's legal problem with available resources, such as advice, extended representation, or referral. For most low-income applicants. Callers are screened for eligibility, and a determination is made whether eligible callers have a legal problem that falls within the priorities. If the caller's legal problem is eligible for review for extended services, the caller is referred to one of our five regional offices. If the callers are not eligible for referral to a regional office, attorneys provide the caller with immediate advice or quick access to other information and resources.


Housing Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Tax Information
General Legal Aid
Debt Management
Labor and Employment Law
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Will Preparation Assistance
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Legal Information Services
Legal Counseling
Accessline provides free legal advice, brief service and representation to low-income people on areas such as: consumer law, family law, housing law, public benefits, disability benefits, employment/unemployment, public benefits, clearing a criminal history and educational rights.

After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.

Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.

Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.

Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.

Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.

Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.

Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Housing Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax Information
Will Preparation Assistance
Debt Management
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
General Legal Aid
Self-help center providing legal guidance and resources to people who are representing themselves in court.

Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.

One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.

Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.

Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.


Legal Counseling
Legal Information Services
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Certificates/Forms Assistance
General Legal Aid
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Accessline provides free legal advice, brief service and representation to low-income people on areas such as: consumer law, family law, housing law, public benefits, disability benefits, employment/unemployment, public benefits, clearing a criminal history and educational rights.

After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.

Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.

Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.

Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.

Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.

Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.

Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Housing Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax Information
Will Preparation Assistance
Debt Management
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
General Legal Aid
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Self-help center providing legal guidance and resources to people who are representing themselves in court.

Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.

One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.

Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.

Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.


Legal Counseling
Legal Information Services
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Certificates/Forms Assistance
General Legal Aid
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance

Provides free representation to children and youth involved in juvenile court in Polk County, Iowa. The Youth Law Center provides a free legal advice hotline for youth and professionals who work with youth throughout the State of Iowa.


Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Accessline provides free legal advice, brief service and representation to low-income people on areas such as: consumer law, family law, housing law, public benefits, disability benefits, employment/unemployment, public benefits, clearing a criminal history and educational rights.

After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.

Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.

Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.

Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.

Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.

Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.

Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Housing Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax Information
Will Preparation Assistance
Debt Management
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
General Legal Aid
Self-help center providing legal guidance and resources to people who are representing themselves in court.

Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.

One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.

Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.

Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.


Legal Counseling
Legal Information Services
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Certificates/Forms Assistance
General Legal Aid
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Accessline provides free legal advice, brief service and representation to low-income people on areas such as: consumer law, family law, housing law, public benefits, disability benefits, employment/unemployment, public benefits, clearing a criminal history and educational rights.

After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.

Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.

Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.

Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.

Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.

Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.

Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Housing Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax Information
Will Preparation Assistance
Debt Management
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
General Legal Aid
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Offers Polk County residents several programs if they qualify as an alternative to the justice system.

MEDIATION is a confidential and "out-of-court" procedure which gives parties involved in a dispute a chance to meet and, with the help of a mediator, reach a resolution or agreement.

TRUANCY COURT PROGRAM is a joint effort between the Polk County Attorney's Office, the Des Moines Public Schools and the Polk County District Court to reach the parents of truant children between the ages of 6 to 16 years before the filing of formal charges.

VOD, or Victim-Offender Dialogue, offers crime victims the opportunity to confront offenders in a controlled setting with the assistance of a trained facilitator.

CHILD WELFARE MEDIATION assists parents and other involved adults in developing cooperative solutions for children and families.

YOUTHFUL OFFENDER PROGRAM uses a community approach to the rehabilitation of youthful offenders and is designed as an alternative for targeted offenders to divert them from prison sentences or ineffective probation sentences by providing programming in the areas needed.

JUVENILE DIVERSION SHOPLIFTING PROGRAM is for youth involved with the juvenile court system that meet with a facilitator, program staff and an individual from a volunteering business within the community to hear the impact Theft has on the community as a whole.

JUVENILE FIRE DIVERSION PROGRAM is to enable youth to understand the costs and dangers that exist with fire starting behavior by choosing better options besides fire starting. Youth will meet with a Fire Chief and complete some form of restitution that is mutually decided during a mediation with the chief.

VOLUNTARY PAYMENT PLANS and wage assignments are for those that don't qualify for LRP or who have court debt that is not traffic related. Staff will assist setting up a payment plan to get them off probation and their vehicle(s) registered.

COLLECTIONS FOR VICTIM RESTITUTION for Polk County victims who have been victimized by a crime, restitution has been ordered but payments are not being made.


Records/Licenses/Permits Fee Payment Assistance
Legal Information Services

The Disaster Relief Project provides information and legal assistance to victims of state-declared disasters that result from flooding, tornadoes and other natural disasters.

Offers free legal assistance to victims of state-declared disasters. Also hosts disaster preparedness workshops and presentations for the general public and provides ongoing training and webinars for volunteer attorneys.

With the help of pro bono attorneys, provides information, referrals, advice, self-help services, limited assistance and representation to qualifying low-income victims of state-declared disasters. The type of assistance provided depends upon the situation, the legal issue, and Legal Aid's resources. Services are free to those who qualify.

Common legal issues for which this program provides assistance:

-- Insurance Issues: Includes submitting claims, avoiding public adjuster fraud, negotiating insurance settlements, and filing an appeal.

-- Housing - Renters: Includes identifying the rights as a renter of a damaged unit, facilitating communication with landlords, negotiating early termination of a lease, resolving issues with renter's insurance claims, and recovering personal items from damaged rental units.

-- Contractor Fraud Issues: Includes hiring a contractor and avoiding fraud, reviewing work contracts/estimates, obtaining proper work permits for repairs, passing city inspection, and recognizing and preventing predatory lending.

-- Government Benefits: Includes applying for benefits and/or filing an appeal for denial of benefits, benefit award disagreement, or overpayment notices.

-- Housing - Owners: Includes negotiating payments, understanding a homeowner's options in real estate contracts, and obtaining disaster assistance.

-- Document Recovery: Including replacing lost documents (driver's licenses, birth certificates, Social Security cards, EBT cards, etc.) and replacing immigration documents.


Legal Information Services
Post Disaster Legal Counseling Services
Legal Representation
Offers an online Find a Lawyer program, Living Will forms, and the Handbook for Older Iowans, which covers health care decisions, wills, power of attorney, and landlord tenant rights. The handbook is available at no cost through the bar association, or at www.iowabar.org.


Will Preparation Assistance
Lawyer Referral Services
Consumer Complaints
Internet Information Resources
Legal Associations
Legal Information Services
Accessline provides free legal advice, brief service and representation to low-income people on areas such as: consumer law, family law, housing law, public benefits, disability benefits, employment/unemployment, public benefits, clearing a criminal history and educational rights.

After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.

Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.

Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.

Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.

Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.

Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.

Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Housing Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax Information
Will Preparation Assistance
Debt Management
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
General Legal Aid
Provides, at no cost, legal advice and information regarding issues affecting youth rights and responsibilities. Topics include: Emancipation, Custody/Guardianship, Abuse and Neglect, Pregnancy/Reproductive Rights, Runaway/Homeless, School, Delinquency, Substance Abuse, and any Family Problems.
Hotline can be a first stop for information on the resources and services available to farm and ranch families and rural residents throughout the state of Nebraska.

Free financial, legal and counseling services are provided.

No cost vouchers for confidential mental health services for persons affected by the rural crisis.


Specialized Information and Referral
General Counseling Services
Legal Information Services
Self-help center providing legal guidance and resources to people who are representing themselves in court.

Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.

One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.

Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.

Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.


Legal Counseling
Legal Information Services
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Certificates/Forms Assistance
General Legal Aid
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
The Clerk of Court does not give legal advice but provides a resource for County residents who choose to represent themselves in court or have questions on divorce, child custody, paternity, grandparent rights. Information on legal fees and costs for hiring attorneys is also available.


Legal Information Services
Uncontested Divorce Assistance
Family Law Courts
Paralegal Counseling
Grandparent Rights
Contested Divorce Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Legal Counseling
Self Representation Assistance