
1-25 of 72
Safety repairs and modifications to allow home owning seniors to safely remain in their residence. Applications are taken for those over 60 who are low income. Funding for large or cosmetic repairs is not available. Applicants may qualify for furnace repair or replacement if needed through other funding.

Offers housing rehabilitation programs that provide zero-interest loans and/or grants to homeowners to aid in making repairs to their homes. Neighborhood Services staff assists homeowners with home inspections, specifying work plans and repairs and obtaining bids from contractors.


Home Rehabilitation Programs
City Government Departments/Offices
Provides loans to very-low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.


Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Grants/Loans
Provides loans to very-low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.


Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Grants/Loans
Loan provider in rural areas.

Business and Industry Loan Guarantees are available for business and industrial development in rural areas to create and maintain employment, expand and to improve economic climate.

Community Facilities Direct and Guaranteed Loans and Grants are available for community service facilities in rural areas such as libraries, clinics, fire and rescue buildings and equipment, etc.

Cooperative Services helps rural residents form new cooperatives and multiple owner businesses and improve operations of existing cooperatives in rural areas.

Direct and Guaranteed Home Ownership provides loans to purchase or construct single family homes in rural areas for very low/low/moderate income households.

Direct Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants provide housing and related facilities in rural areas for domestic farm laborers.

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loans and Grants provide for technology equipment and facilities for linking rural schools within regions, linking schools to other educational institutions, utilizing rural libraries as distance learning centers, linking rural hospitals and medical clinics to major medical centers, interactive video, and distance rural health training.

Energy Efficiency Improvements and Renewable Energy Systems provide grant assistance in development of renewable energy and energy efficiency improvement projects. Renewable systems include wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal. Energy efficiency improvements include energy improvements to business facility including insulation, windows, doors, HVAC, refrigeration, lighting, pumping/air/motor systems, etc.

Housing Preservation Grants offers funding to selected recipient organization to develop program to help repair individual housing, rental properties or coops in rural areas owned and/or occupied by very low and low-income households.

Intermediary Re-Lending Program provides loans to ultimate recipients for community development projects, establishment and expansion of businesses, and creating and/or saving jobs in rural areas.

Rural Cooperative Development Grants establish and operate cooperative development centers in rural areas primarily to improve economic conditions of rural areas via development of new cooperatives and multiple owner businesses and improving existing co-ops' operations.

Rural Business Development Grants are competitive grants designed to support targeted technical assistance, training, and other activities leading to the development or expansion of small and emerging private businesses in rural areas that have fewer than 50 employees and less than $1 million in gross revenues.

Rural Economic Development Loans and Grants provide for a wide range of rural economic development projects in rural areas such as business expansion and start-up, community development, etc.

Rural Home Repair Loans and Grants assist homeowners, occupying dwellings in rural areas, to complete necessary repairs to their homes.

Rural Housing Site Loans provide loans in rural areas to purchase land and develop sites for very low/low/moderate-income housing.

Solid Waste Management Grants are used to reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources in rural areas and improve planning and management of solid waste sites in rural areas.

Technical Assistance and Training Grants are used to identify and evaluate solutions to water and wastewater problems of associations in rural areas relating to water source, storage, treatment and distribution; and waste collection, treatment and disposal.

Value-Added Producer Grants help eligible producers of agricultural commodities in rural areas to develop business plans for viable marketing opportunities and develop strategies to create marketing opportunities in emerging markets.

Water and Waste Dispos


Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Low Cost for Sale Homes/Housing Units
Business Financing
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Minor repairs inside home, minor modifications for those within Omaha city limits. (Anything not structural)

Services may include:
-- Installing handrails, door locks, and wide-range viewers
-- Building wheelchair ramps (depends on slope and grade of property, property lines)
-- Minor plumbing repairs - no electrical services
-- Installing window locks
-- Repairing screen and storm windows and doors
-- Interior painting in winter or during bad weather
-- Minor weather stripping and caulking
-- Changing furnace filter, if filter provided
-- Minor plaster or drywall repair
-- Installing smoke detectors
-- Stairway repair


Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Offers various programs to help with financing and mortgage payment assistance. Families and individuals have the opportunity to buy, build, repair, or own safe and affordable homes located in rural America.


Housing Development
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Government Subsidized Private Rental Housing Listings
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
A program that helps homeowners with limited resources complete necessary home improvements. Program will provide qualified homeowners with the materials and labor needed to repair their homes. Sweat Equity hours are asked of the home owners when repairs are being made. A one-time service fee will be assessed, and some repayment is required for major repair projects.

Income Guidelines for Residents of Linn County (Varies annually; call for current guidleines)
Family Size Minimum Income (30%) Maximum Income (80%)
1 $18,800 $50,050
2 $21,450 $57,200
3 $24,150 $64,350
4 $27,750 $71,500
5 $31,040 $77,250
6 $37,190 $82,950
7 $40,120 $88,700
8 $46,630 $94,400

Income Guidelines for Residents of Benton County (Varies annually; call for current guidleines)
Family Size Minimum Income (30%) Maximum Income (80%)
1 $18,900 $50,400
2 $21,600 $57,600
3 $24,300 $64,800
4 $27,750 $72,000
5 $32,470 $77,800
6 $37,190 $83,550
7 $41,910 $89,300
8 $46,630 $95,050
Offers various programs to help with financing and mortgage payment assistance. Families and individuals have the opportunity to buy, build, repair, or own safe and affordable homes located in rural America.


Housing Development
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Government Subsidized Private Rental Housing Listings
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
The Northeast Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund will assist individuals, community organizations, non-profit and for-profit developers in rehabilitation, repair, and creation of projects that improve the condition of, or contribute to the development of both rental and owner occupied affordable housing in the four county region. Additional assistance will be available for first-time homebuyers for down payment, closing costs and, if necessary, rehabilitation in conjunction with home purchase. Priority will be given to projects addressing repair and rehab issues in aging housing that benefit low income level residents. (i.e. plumbing, electrical, roofing, structural, energy efficiency, lead paint issues and handicap accessibility). The Board will consider both owner-occupied and rental properties, with loan details varying depending on the applicant’s situation, as detailed in the program guidelines.
Loan provider in rural areas.

Business and Industry Loan Guarantees are available for business and industrial development in rural areas to create and maintain employment, expand and to improve economic climate.

Community Facilities Direct and Guaranteed Loans and Grants are available for community service facilities in rural areas such as libraries, clinics, fire and rescue buildings and equipment, etc.

Cooperative Services helps rural residents form new cooperatives and multiple owner businesses and improve operations of existing cooperatives in rural areas.

Direct and Guaranteed Home Ownership provides loans to purchase or construct single family homes in rural areas for very low/low/moderate income households.

Direct Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants provide housing and related facilities in rural areas for domestic farm laborers.

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loans and Grants provide for technology equipment and facilities for linking rural schools within regions, linking schools to other educational institutions, utilizing rural libraries as distance learning centers, linking rural hospitals and medical clinics to major medical centers, interactive video, and distance rural health training.

Energy Efficiency Improvements and Renewable Energy Systems provide grant assistance in development of renewable energy and energy efficiency improvement projects. Renewable systems include wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal. Energy efficiency improvements include energy improvements to business facility including insulation, windows, doors, HVAC, refrigeration, lighting, pumping/air/motor systems, etc.

Housing Preservation Grants offers funding to selected recipient organization to develop program to help repair individual housing, rental properties or coops in rural areas owned and/or occupied by very low and low-income households.

Intermediary Re-Lending Program provides loans to ultimate recipients for community development projects, establishment and expansion of businesses, and creating and/or saving jobs in rural areas.

Rural Cooperative Development Grants establish and operate cooperative development centers in rural areas primarily to improve economic conditions of rural areas via development of new cooperatives and multiple owner businesses and improving existing co-ops' operations.

Rural Business Development Grants are competitive grants designed to support targeted technical assistance, training, and other activities leading to the development or expansion of small and emerging private businesses in rural areas that have fewer than 50 employees and less than $1 million in gross revenues.

Rural Economic Development Loans and Grants provide for a wide range of rural economic development projects in rural areas such as business expansion and start-up, community development, etc.

Rural Home Repair Loans and Grants assist homeowners, occupying dwellings in rural areas, to complete necessary repairs to their homes.

Rural Housing Site Loans provide loans in rural areas to purchase land and develop sites for very low/low/moderate-income housing.

Solid Waste Management Grants are used to reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources in rural areas and improve planning and management of solid waste sites in rural areas.

Technical Assistance and Training Grants are used to identify and evaluate solutions to water and wastewater problems of associations in rural areas relating to water source, storage, treatment and distribution; and waste collection, treatment and disposal.

Value-Added Producer Grants help eligible producers of agricultural commodities in rural areas to develop business plans for viable marketing opportunities and develop strategies to create marketing opportunities in emerging markets.

Water and Waste Dispos


Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Low Cost for Sale Homes/Housing Units
Business Financing
Home Rehabilitation Programs

Assistance with home purchase down payments, closing cost payment, purchase, rehabilitation and resell of homes, and new construction.

NeighborWorks is also a packager for USDA-D home loans.


Housing Down Payment Loans/Grants
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Provides financial assistance to owner-occupants city-wide for home rehabilitation like electrical hazards, plumbing sanitation or leak issues, faulty heating/roofing items (does not include help with mobile homes).


Home Rehabilitation Programs
City Government Departments/Offices

Offers exterior home repairs to homeowners that meet income guidelines, who are unable to make the repairs on their own. Homeowners pay for materials and Habitat volunteers assist with minor improvements like painting, landscaping, exterior door replacements, and accessibility improvements.


Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Grant program to correct critical repairs that threaten the health, safety, and welfare of very-low income households.

Eligible repairs include:
-- Heating systems (furnaces)
-- Replacement of faulty water heaters
-- Repair exterior water service lines
-- Electrical problems with the electrical service on the exterior (outside) of homes


Water Heaters
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Helps owner-investors with single family properties (1-4 units) east of 72nd Street make necessary repairs to their homes and ultimately aid in the revitalization of neighborhoods and communities. Rehabilitated properties are to be rented to low to moderate income persons.

If determined eligible, a construction specialist will schedule an initial property visit and determine the types of modifications and improvements that can be performed at the property.

Eligible property rehabilitation activities are limited to those necessary to correct substandard conditions, to make essential improvements, and to repair major systems in danger of failure. Major systems include such items as roofs, ceilings, walls, floors, foundations, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, and electrical systems.
Provides unique lending programs and other services to facilitate targeted neighborhood revitalization in Polk County and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, through partnerships with residents, governments, community-based organizations and the business community.


Home Rehabilitation Programs
Housing Counseling
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans

Provides seniors and/or disabled individuals minor home improvements to help remove barriers that may affect their health and safety in their home (such as repair of non-working heating system, mobility ramp, etc.). Applicant must be the homeowner and live in the home.

Helps low to moderate income homeowners make necessary repairs to their homes and ultimately aid in the revitalization of neighborhoods and communities. Includes the Full Rehab Program and Exterior Repair Program.

Modifications and improvements fall into four categories:
-- Lead Based Paint Hazards - Removal or stabilization of deteriorated lead based paint, which presents a health hazard to families, particularly families with small children.
-Structural Items - Address structural issues with the home such as the roof, floors, porches, steps, and foundation.
-- Safety and Health Related Items - Improves the overall safety of the home; addresses furnace, radon, plumbing, electrical, handrails, mold, rodents, and other infestations.
-- Accessibility - Modifications to improve accessibility in a home for people with disabilities; includes items such as ramps, lifts, wider doors, and grab bars.


Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Lead Abatement
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Housing Fund (Rehab) - Loans are available to income-qualified homeowners in Region XII COG communities for home repairs to eliminate health and safety hazards, including windows, doors, roofs, furnaces, etc.

Housing Fund (down-payment) - Loans are available to income-qualified homeowners in Region XII COG communities for down-payments required for the client to qualify for a commercial loan.


Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs

Offers single family housing program provide homeownership opportunities to low- and moderate-income rural Americans through several loan, grant, and loan guarantee programs. The program also makes funding available to individuals to finance vital improvements necessary to make their homes decent, safe, and sanitary.

Housing preservation in Cheyenne, Deuel, Garden, and Kimball Counties to bring owner-occupied homes up to code. May provide repairs to electrical, plumbing, heating, structural, and thermal systems. Some cosmetic projects are allowed with the grant.
Provides loans to very-low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.


Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Grants/Loans
Rehabilitates the houses of low-income homeowners (particularly the elderly, disabled, and families with children) so that they may continue to live in warmth, safety and independence. All work is provided free of charge to the homeowner. Referrals come from health and human service agencies, community and faith-based organizations, service groups, case managers, and individuals. The homeowners, if physically able, work with the volunteers in the spirit of neighbor helping neighbor. Home assessments determine a home's eligibility based on national and local criteria.

Repairs vary from painting and trash removal to minor repairs such as electrical or plumbing work. Smoke detectors and new locks may be installed. Home modifications and accessibility needs given priority. The repairs must be able to be completed in one day; no major structural repairs and no tree removal.

Yard cleanup is offered by a group of volunteers, a couple of times throughout the summer months (will NOT help with tree removals, tree limbs/branches removals from dead or dying trees, mowing yards or snow removal).

Volunteer Opportunities are available as Rebuilding Together relies on donations of time, money, material and volunteers both skilled and unskilled to help with repairs.


Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs

The ION team works with homeowners to make external repairs, connect to resources, and navigate the home repair system. Will also collaborate with partner organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Rebuilding Together, Polk County Emergency Repair, and Neighborhood Finance Corporation to get repairs done.


Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs